CrossFit is in no way a traditional workout, which is why so many people are drawn to it.

That’s also what makes it so incredibly intense.

CrossFit is a unique combination of strength and endurance training, plyometrics, Olympic weightlifting, speed training, and gymnastics– even saying what it involves can leave you feeling winded.

Because you are using the strength of your entire body in each workout, it can unfortunately lead to equally intense injuries.

For all the people that are dedicated to this workout, the grind doesn’t– and can’t– stop. Daily workouts keep you constantly moving, and challenging you in different ways.

However, your workout might come to a grinding halt if you hurt yourself.

Injury can easily take over your entire lifestyle. Exercise benefits you physically and mentally too. You will not only be frustrated due to physical pain, but emotional distress, as well.

With the right treatment, though, you can get better and stronger. In order to seek out the right care for you, it’s important to understand your symptoms and pain.

Common CrossFit Injuries

Every day on CrossFit’s website, a workout of the day (WOD) is posted. These daily routines target your muscles, cardiovascular system, flexibility, balance, and coordination.

This requires you to have a healthy range of mobility, which requires aligned joints and elasticity in your muscles. If you are in pain, it is most likely because your body is literally out of alignment.

The most common pain is found in the back, shoulders, knees, ankles, and muscles. These injuries include Achilles tendinitis, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tendinitis, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, lower back pain, and knee pain.

Achilles tendinitis is often the result of high box jumps. One wrong jump can throw everything off. The pain usually begins in the back of the leg or heel immediately following the workout. From there, it can progress into stiffness and possibly tears in the Achilles tendon.

Another common injury is lateral epicondylitis, more commonly known as tennis elbow. This condition affects the tendons on the elbow, which help to stabilize your wrists.

Similar to conditions in the wrist, like De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, tennis elbow occurs due to overuse. This happens in a variety of CrossFit activities such as weight lifting. If this tendon is injured, you can have difficulty in gripping, lifting, and grasping.

Rotator cuff tendinitis in the shoulder also is also associated with repeated heavy lifting. The pain typically starts in your upper arm and shoulder.

When moving your arms, you may notice swelling or weakness and possibly hear a popping noise. This means your tendons are either swollen, torn, or pinched from overworking them in your training.

Besides lifting, improper form during squats or overhead presses can cause pain in your lower back. Injuries range from lumbar strain to herniated discs.

These activities also are associated with knee pain. Posture is incredibly important in preventing these injuries because if your form is off your knees might have to overcompensate and therefore tears in the tendons may occur.

If you overwork your body and are repeating activities with the incorrect form, it is very likely that these injuries with result.

When your tendons are inflamed and your joints are not aligned, your body cannot get itself back into place on its own—you will need medical intervention.

The best treatment for CrossFitters is chiropractic care. Many of CrossFitters swear by this this care. In the healing process you don’t just become healthier but stronger. Chiropractic care treats the entire body to make you feel and move better.

How Does Chiropractic Heal And Strengthen?

The physicians will restore and increase your overall performance as an athlete by using a variety of methods that incorporate stretching and massage.

As with every first consultation, the chiropractor will go over your medical history and followed by a physical exam. The questions will most likely revolve around understanding your workout routine. After a history and physical is completed, the physician will develop a specialized plan for your goals and needs.

Achilles tendinitis is most often treated with several different stretching techniques that will vary based on your specific injury. If you are experiencing tightness, the chiropractor will use the Active Release Technique to reduce strain on the tendon.

Massage is also used if scarred tissue is found in the heel. This particular massage is called cross fiction. The massage will get blood flowing back to the damaged area, restoring flexibility and relieving stress on the ankle. Check out Achilles tendon stretches you can do before you work out to prevent injury in the future.

Similar treatment is used for tennis elbow. If necessary, a brace may be used until your tendons are fully healed. Afterwards, stretches can be used to actually prevent any reoccurrence of tennis elbow in the future.

In this way, stretches get you back to doing what you are passionate about worry free. Visit this link to learn more about warm ups you can do before working out to prevent future harm.

While rotator cuff is also healed through massage, the treatment can restore the size of the tendons in the shoulder and prevent other limiting conditions like arthritis from developing. Learn more about additional rotator cuff stretches you can do at home.

Ultimately, these techniques all contribute to increasing your range of mobility and making you a stronger athlete as a result. In addition to visiting the chiropractor to heal you can also visit regularly to maintain your strength.

Visit A Chiropractor Today

CrossFit encourages their athletes to work harder to maximize their strength, speed, and endurance. There’s always room for improvement, which means you are challenged daily with different routines.

However, as with all exercise, CrossFit can take its toll physically. This does not mean that you cannot heal, though.

Regardless of your level of athleticism, chiropractic treatment is for you. The physician understands how dedicated you are to your workout and will be equally dedicated to getting you back into the gym.

Train harder and heal faster with chiropractic care. Call 513-247-9045 to schedule a visit with Montgomery’s favorite chiropractor, Dr. Scanlon.   

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