We use our hands and wrists for everything we do. Therefore, wrist pain has a drastic effect on your ability to do even the simplest of daily tasks. If wrist pain goes untreated, it can cause long term injury because your wrist cannot heal on its own.

As strong as our hands and wrists may seem at times, they are incredibly delicate.

Conditions like De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis and Stenosing Tenosynovitis, known more commonly as Trigger Finger, can result from inflammation that has serious consequences (learn about more injuries here).

The cause of this terrible pain can be something as simple as repeated movement of your wrist, a common error that is easy to miss until it’s too late.

Other causes may include overuse, injury, or chronic diseases like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms of wrist pain include burning, numbness, stiffness, tingling, and soreness.

When sharp pain and stress worsen, ice and pain relievers are no longer an option—it is time to see a chiropractor for that wrist injury.

How Does A Chiropractor Heal Wrist Pain?

The stress of any injury increases with the loss of function, which can take a toll on you emotionally as well. It becomes harder to make a meal, complete tasks at work and home, and spend time with your loved ones.

You need to get back to your life and chiropractic care offers a great way to heal now and stay healthy in the future.

The most common chiropractic treatments for wrist pain are adjustment of the joints and physical therapy. As with all chiropractic treatment, the focus is on your individual needs and goals.

For your first consultation, the chiropractor will talk to you about your symptoms and follow up with a physical exam. This will allow the chiropractor to identify the problem, then develop an idea of the treatment needed and create a strategy for your care.

During your treatment, the doctor will carefully examine your wrist and hand to locate the damaged tissue and tension in the ligaments. Your wrist condition is unique therefore your treatment will be as well.

Due to the complexity of our wrists, it is critical to make sure the chiropractor has extensive experience (check out here what to look for in a chiropractor).

The two therapies below are both going to help your christ restore its strength and relieve your pain.

1. Wrist Realignment

Every aspect of chiropractic techniques are centered on readjustment of the joints. By manipulating the bones of the wrist to put them back into the correct place, the physician sets the healing process into motion.

If a bone is out of place in your wrist, inflammation can build up and create a lot of pressure that can quickly spread to your hands or arms. This swelling heavily restricts the movement of your upper body.

The realigning of bones during chiropractic care acts as a catalyst in your healing– as your bones realign, inflammation in the soft tissue of your wrist is dramatically reduced.

As tension releases in your wrist, you can not only get back to feeling better but back to feeling like your normal self again.

2. Wrist Stretching

Besides manipulating the bones, chiropractors may also use stretching techniques to help release tension in your wrist in order to ease pain and reduce the tightness in inflamed ligaments.

Some examples include a wrist rotation, hand clenching, wrist flexion, and finger flexion. These all involve the tightening and releasing of your muscles and tendons. Check out instructions for some additional exercises here.

The best part about these techniques is that they not only improve your health but can actually make you stronger by restoring muscle flow. This kind of therapy can improve your grip — in fact many athletes use chiropractic treatments to improve their performance in this way, and you can use it to improve your life too.

Many wrist conditions like Trigger Finger result in tissue scarring, making movement extremely difficult. Muscles are elastic and when the tissue is scarred, they become stiff. The gliding that is supposed to happen between your muscles comes to a grinding halt.

However, stretching techniques assist the healing of soft tissue by restoring muscle elasticity because blood circulation is increased. Wrist pain often tightens your wrist and hand to the point where it cannot open.

Chiropractic care heals damaged soft tissue so inflammation decreases and you can begin to feel better. With better circulation in your hand and wrist, swelling in your ligaments is eliminated. As a result, your range of motion doesn’t just get back to normal– it increases.

Another benefit of chiropractic is that the strengthening of your wrists reduces the likelihood of injury in the future. This is just another reason why athletes swear by chiropractic practice. They stay healthy and get stronger through this simple but effective healing process.

Why Choose Chiropractic

Chiropractic care offers sustainable health by combining manipulation and stretching. This speeds up your healing and allows your wrists to move so you can get back to your life.

The results of wrist pain are serious if not taken care of right away. Sometimes not treating your pain may even result in the complete loss of movement in your hand and wrist. Since so much of life requires your hands, the pain cannot to be ignored.

Instead of the temporary pain relief that comes with over the counter medication, chiropractic care offers treatment that will get you back to feeling good again, and restore your strength. Considering how many people are susceptible to the dangers of wrist pain, chiropractic is not just a source of healing, but prevention.

Your wrist simply cannot heal on its own. You need your bones to be realigned and learn stretches to increase mobility of your hands — you need a chiropractor.

In our world, everything moves at an immeasurable speed. You can’t keep up without your wrists. Your entire lifestyle depends on it.

Whether it’s overuse, sprains or injuries, or the result of chronic illness, wrist pain has no limits. Through chiropractic care, you can begin to heal and, even better, be stronger than before. Schedule a visit with your local Montgomery chiropractor, Dr. Scanlon today, to heal your wrist and improve your life.

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