If you suffer from neck pain, you are no stranger to everyday discomfort. Neck pain, undoubtedly, is also a major stressor. If one is unable to do even the most basic of daily functions, it is extremely frustrating.

In this physical and emotional distress, you are not alone. According to the National Health Interview Survey, an estimated 100 million people are experiencing chronic pain every year.

This pain isn’t cheap either—the total annual cost of healthcare for Americans experiencing this pain ranges from $560 to $635 billion. What’s more upsetting is that stat doesn’t include the lost money from days when you might have to take off due to severe pain.

Of the 100 million adults experiencing chronic pain, around 15 million of them are suffering from neck pain. This pain may include a stiff neck, sharp pain, soreness, or radiating pain in your head, shoulders, and back, which all restrict the movement of your upper body.

It can be difficult to decide how to treat your pain. While painkillers offer immediate relief, this treatment will no longer be effective as the injury worsens. If the soft tissue is damaged or nerves are being pinched, painkillers certainly will not heal you.

When it comes to the point where you can no longer turn your head or even enjoy your life because of pain, you need medical attention.

Studies have proven time and time again the benefits of chiropractic care make it the best solution for your pain and your life. Chiropractic adjustments set the body’s natural healing process into motion, which is why it continually does better than general practice.

This treatment is a noninvasive (no surgery), cost effective, and faster option to make you healthy again and stronger than before.

Why Chiropractic Care?

Several studies have shown that chiropractic is the most effective and, in fact, the safest treatment for neck pain.

In 2013, the medical journal The Annals of Internal Medicine published a study that tested the effectiveness of different treatments for neck pain. The 272 participants, ages 18 to 65, were split into three groups: spinal manipulation, medication, and home exercise with advice.

The spinal manipulation group made 15 visits to a chiropractor for 20 minute sessions. The second group took pain relievers including acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol), or for some, narcotics that were recommended by a physician. As for those that did home exercise, they met with a physical therapist that taught them how to do stretches at home that were to be repeated around 8 times a day.

At 12 weeks, 57% of those who met with chiropractors and 48% of the exercise group found that their pain had been reduced by at least 75%. As for the medication group, however, only 38% reported a decrease in pain.

After one year, both of the non-medicated treatments had 53% of participants still reporting a reduction in pain.

However, only 38% of those taking medication had reductions, meaning the majority were still in pain with little improvement to physical injury or quality of life.

A similar study was done by the British Medical Journal. In this case, 183 patients were divided into 3 groups as well: spinal manipulation, exercise, or medication.

After 26 weeks, the results showed that chiropractic care provides a quicker recovery than physiotherapy through exercise, and medication.

Not only did they find that the treatment was more time efficient, but cost efficient as well. Chiropractic patients only paid one third of the costs of the other two treatments.

Risks of Medication

Other studies have also shown the negative effects of pain killers and how they often make your pain worse—not better.

In fact, these painkillers actually make you more sensitive to pain over time. This condition is called hyperalgesia, which makes you dependent on higher doses as you go on.

Dr. Bronfort, one of the physicians from the study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, said the team discovered the amount of medicine prescribed was not only increased but became more frequent as well.

Long term use can result into even more medical problems, from gastrointestinal issues or even addiction.

As you rely on higher and higher doses, you can become more susceptible to addiction which is currently an epidemic in our country. If the dose continues to increase and become more powerful, these narcotics change the chemistry of the brain.

Another harmful effect of painkillers is that it can amplify the pain because it sets off a negative signals in the spinal cord. This can irritate nerves and lead to more injury throughout the body.

Clearly, painkillers are doing nothing to help improve your pain or your life. When dealing with pain and stress on your neck, the last thing you need to worry about is internal damage to your body or a lethal addiction.

Visit Montgomery’s Chiropractor, Dr. Scanlon

Neck pain can be long lasting, but it doesn’t have to be never ending. Chiropractic care makes you heal faster and stronger, without risk.

Chiropractic offers what many other treatments do not. As outlined in a previous post on chiropractic success stories, sometimes spinal manipulation can seem miraculous. Because the spinal cord runs through your neck and spine, adjustments here act a as a catalyst for better overall health.

In addition to the reduction and elimination of pain from your neck, you are given your life back. Chiropractic stretches and exercises can work to make your joints stronger so your spine and nerves are less likely to face future damage.

You can do what you love without the constant fear that one wrong move might uproot your entire lifestyle. Being pain free in your neck allows you to have a clear head, to sleep peacefully, and regain energy.

This is why chiropractic is the best solution for your neck pain.

With chiropractic you can once again hold your head high and break free from the pain that once trapped you.

Call 513-247-9045 to schedule a visit with your local Montgomery chiropractor, Dr. Scanlon.

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